Battery issues: a better overview – Product news


car battery

A battery issue can easily turn into a big headache, so it’s important to take action at the earliest sign of a battery problem.

We want our customers and their vehicles to be safe on the road, so we made it easier to keep track of their vehicle’s battery issues.

What’s new

We included a new section for battery issues under the alarms tab, which gives our workshop and fleet customers a better and faster overview of any battery issues.

As soon as a battery incident is detected, the vehicle will automatically be put into workshop mode for 3 days, and communication with the CAN bus is disabled. The vehicle will still receive location and GPS signals from the device, and trips will continue to be recorded.

The vehicle will automatically be put out of workshop mode after the 3 days if the issue does not persist or reoccur.

Better vehicle care

This new release comes with advantages for both our ConnectedWorkshop and ConnectedFleet customers.

Workshops can reach out to customers with potential car battery problems and solve any issues before they become too serious. Proactive customer service increases both satisfaction and customer loyalty. Additionally, workshops can increase revenue by providing new batteries to customers who need them.

For ConnectedFleet customers, the battery issues section means a better overview of vehicles with potential battery problems. This way, they can book service ahead of time, prevent any serious battery problems, and therefore reduce downtime.

If a vehicle has a driver connected to it, the driver will also be notified of any battery issues via the app. Drivers can then coordinate service appointments with the workshop more efficiently.

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